
The Teen Service Program will guide and assist high school teens in performing parish service projects that reflect an appreciation of Catholic social teachings, enhance their desire to serve those in need and contribute to the social and spiritual life of the parish.  Service Projects can be done by participating in specific events planned through our ministry. Confirmation teens are required to participate in a Service Project before they are confirmed.
There are a select number of service projects that are coordinated through our ministry that the teens can participate in. They are:
  • Thanksgiving Food Project in November.
  • Christmas Box Project in December. 
  • Annual KofC Pancake Breakfasts and Lenten Fish Frys.
  • Summer Mission Trip.
  • Selected Parish service opportunities. 
    • Music Group, Altar Server, Lector, Usher, Religious Education Aide, VBS, KofC Pancake Breakfasts and Fish Fry’s, Parish Picnic, Parish Carnival, Parish Fun Nights, and Saint Vincent DePaul
Teens are strongly encouraged to be active in any parish ministry that reflects their gifts and desires to be active in their faith.