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Ablaze: High School Ministry

 Our Mission

Our formative discipleship program and confirmation preparation program seek to Preach the word of God through Sacred Scripture and Tradition, Teach the way of Discipleship by making the example of Jesus Christ real and relevant in the modern time, and Reach into the hearts and minds of our high school teens and with the Holy Spirit, cultivate a caring and service oriented attitude towards our parish, community and world.

Our Purpose

Care: We invite our teens to be part of this parish and the Catholic faith.
Reach: We want our teens to know Jesus Christ and be his witnesses to the rest of the world.
Offer: We desire our teens to share in our love of God through the Mass and the Eucharist.
Share: We encourage our teens to use their unique gifts and talents to make Christ present.
Service: This ministry exists to serve the spiritual needs of our parish's high school teens!


Alex Street -

Director of Youth Ministry & Confirmation

Holy Apostles Catholic Church


Krystin Newman -

Coordinator of Youth Ministry & Confirmation

Holy Apostles Catholic Church